A to Z index - all terms and descriptions

( | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 8 | 9 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | V | W |
Term Short Description
AS/NZS Australian/New Zealand Standard, jointly published by Standards Australia and Standards New Zealand, and distributed by SAI Global Limited (www.saiglobal.com)
Asia-Pacific Asia-Pacific (includes Papua New Guinea, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Fiji, Solomon Islands) >Read more
Australia Origin from Australian states other than Queensland >Read more
B Decay hazard zone B; lower potential than zone C and greater potential than zone A >Read more
Basic density Oven-dry mass divided by green-soaked volume, expressed in kg/m3.
BCA Building Code of Australia
Botanical name The unique name that identifies an individual timber species, irrespective of multiple common or trade names it may be known by. >Read more
BRT Bushfire-resisting timber
Building Act The Queensland Building Act 1975.
Bushfire resisting Bushfire resisting timber as specified by AS 3959 >Read more
C Decay hazard zone C; lower decay potential than zone D and greater decay potential than zone B >Read more
C1 Approved only if these conditions are met: De-sapped for portion in ground contact if untreated. >Read more
C10 Approved only if these conditions are met: Recommended to be partially seasoned to not more than 20% moisture content >Read more
C11 Approved only if these conditions are met: Not permitted for in-ground poles in pole frame construction; must be set on stirrups or similar >Read more
C12 Single species only, free of heart-in material (material within 50 mm of the tree pith) >Read more
C13 Approved only if these conditions are met: De-sapped for portion in-ground contact—minimum diameter 200 mm >Read more
C14 Approved only if these conditions are met: De-sapped for portion in-ground contact—minimum diameter 300 mm >Read more
C15 Approved only if these conditions are met: De-sapped for portion in-ground contact—minimum diameter 400 mm >Read more
C16 Approved only if these conditions are met: Seasoned >Read more
C17 Approved only if these conditions are met: For weather-exposed door jambs and mullions; can only be used in non-structural applications subject to compliance with industry recommendations >Read more