Bushfire resisting

Bushfire resisting timber as specified by AS 3959

Bushfire-resisting timber: timber species that are capable of meeting the fire retarding requirements of AS 3959-2009 Construction of buildings in bushfire-prone regions without having to be treated with a fire retardant. Seven commercial timbers used in construction in Queensland are regarded as bushfire-resisting, when the cross-section thickness of the component is at least 18 mm thick.

Seven commercial timbers used in construction in Queensland are considered to be bushfire-resisting, where the cross-section thickness of the member is at least 18 mm thick:

Standard trade name

Botanical name

ash, silvertop

Eucalyptus sieberi


Eucalyptus pilularis

gum, red, river

Eucalyptus camaldulensis

gum, spotted

Corymbia maculata, C. henryi, C. citriodora

ironbark, red

Eucalyptus sideroxylon

kwila (merbau)

Intsia bijuga, I. palembanica


Syncarpia glomulifera

These timbers have been tested and assessed against the criteria specified in AS 3959-2009, incorporating the amendments for fire-retardant-treated timbers.

There are currently no values set for this field group.