Background to the CTIQ publication
The Queensland Department of Lands Sub-Department of Forestry first issued Pamphlet no.1: North Queensland building timbers and specifications for their use in 1939 (Queensland Forest Service 1939). The purpose of this publication was to promote greater service efficiency in timber and encourage the proper use of a wider range of north Queensland building timbers. A complementary paper providing detail on 100 southern Queensland timbers—Pamphlet no. 2: South Queensland building timbers and specifications for their use—was issued in 1947 (Queensland Forest Service 1947).
The original issue of pamphlet no. 1 was exhausted shortly after World War II, and in 1951 it was revised and enlarged to include 171 timbers (Queensland Forest Service 1951). Pamphlets 1 and 2 were superseded in 1964 when Pamphlet no. 5: Queensland building timbers and specifications for their use (Queensland Forest Service 1964) was issued. This provided detailed data on building applications for 360 timbers from all parts of the state. It was reprinted several times until a complete revision resulted in the publication of Technical pamphlet no. 1 in October 1991 (Smith et al. 1991).
Between 1991 and 2006, there were significant changes in construction technologies, timber resources, industry recommendations and Australian Standards relevant to building in Queensland. Examples include:
- the scarcity of native rainforest species due to significant areas of this resource being given World Heritage status
- increasing imports of Asian, Pacific Island, South American and African rainforest species
- the introduction of design service life specifications for timber applications and designation of decay hazard zones, based on regional climatic conditions
- the introduction of above-ground durability and termite resistance classes
- the introduction of machine-graded pine (MGP and SP grades)
- revised botanical (scientific) names
- changes to the Timber Framing Code AS 1684 series Residential timber—framed construction parts 2 and 3 (Standards Australia 2006)
- the introduction of novel termite treatments.
These changes were included or acknowledged as appropriate in the original edition of Construction timbers in Queensland (2006).
Versions: For a full description of updates and amendments, see Versions.
References: References used to prepare CTIQ are listed here References