About CTIQ
CTIQ - Construction timbers in Queensland - is a reference and guide for meeting the requirements for using appropriate timbers in constructing Type 1 and 10 buildings in Queensland.
Full title: Construction timbers in Queensland. Properties and specifications for satisfactory performance of construction timbers in Queensland. Class 1 and Class 10 buildings (houses, carports, garages, greenhouses). Book 1: Definitions and descriptions; Book 2: Properties and specifications.
The Building Code of Australia (BCA) includes a specific requirement for the use of suitable materials in construction. In addition, the Australian Building Codes Board have published a guide for technical committees, manufacturers and others on the durability and life-expectancy requirements for building materials, assemblies and sub-assemblies for use in accordance with the BCA (Australian Building Codes Board, 2002). Construction timbers in Queensland provides information on the properties and performance of timber that will satisfy these requirements. Further, structural timber scheduled for the appropriate conditions of use in this publication will meet the ‘construction deemed to satisfy’ provisions of the BCA.
The PDF version of CTIQ is available here: https://publications.qld.gov.au/dataset/construction-timbers-in-queensland
‘Construction timbers in Queensland’ describes the properties of timbers used in the construction of Class 1 and Class 10 buildings in Queensland. It also provides recommendations for the appropriate and serviceable use of timbers across the state.
Legal status
This publication is noted as a primary referenced document in the Queensland variations to the Building Code of Australia (BCA, Australian Building Codes Board) under the Queensland Building Act 1975.
This version of CTIQ replaces all previously published versions. Where an amendment or substantive change is made in succeeding editions, those changes are recorded under ‘Versions’.
This version of CTIQ replaces all previously published versions. To see a list of versions, go to Versions and amendments.
Where an amendment or substantive change is made in succeeding editions, those changes are recorded under ‘Amendments’ To see a list of amendments, go to Versions and amendments.
See also: