A to Z index - all terms and descriptions

( | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 8 | 9 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | V | W |
Term Short Description
Ig:A In-ground decay hazard zone A; least potential for decay. >Read more
Ig:B In-ground decay hazard zone B; lower potential than zone Ig:C and greater potential than zone Ig:A for in-ground decay. >Read more
Ig:C In-ground decay hazard zone C; lower potential than zone Ig:D and greater potential than zone Ig:B for in-ground decay. >Read more
Ig:D In-ground decay hazard zone D; greatest potential for decay. >Read more
In-ground Building member is built in an in-ground environment >Read more
In-ground decay hazard zones Geographical areas in Queensland allocated 1 of 4 levels of decay potential for timbers used in in-ground applications. The areas are rationalised to Local Government Area boundaries. >Read more
J1 Unseasoned timber: Joint group 1. For timber joint design, J1 (highest) to J6 (lowest). >Read more
J2 Unseasoned timber: Joint group 2. For timber joint design, J1 (highest) to J6 (lowest). >Read more
J3 Unseasoned timber: Joint group 3. For timber joint design, J1 (highest) to J6 (lowest). >Read more
J4 Unseasoned timber: Joint group 4. For timber joint design, J1 (highest) to J6 (lowest). >Read more
J5 Unseasoned timber: Joint group 5. For timber joint design, J1 (highest) to J6 (lowest). >Read more
J6 Unseasoned timber: Joint group 6. For timber joint design, J1 (highest) to J6 (lowest). >Read more
JD1 Seasoned timber: Joint group 1. For timber joint design, JD1 (highest) to JD6 (lowest). >Read more
JD2 Seasoned timber: Joint group 2. For timber joint design, JD1 (highest) to JD6 (lowest). >Read more
JD3 Seasoned timber: Joint group 3. For timber joint design, JD1 (highest) to JD6 (lowest). >Read more
JD4 Seasoned timber: Joint group 4. For timber joint design, JD1 (highest) to JD6 (lowest). >Read more
JD5 Seasoned timber: Joint group 5. For timber joint design, JD1 (highest) to JD6 (lowest). >Read more
JD6 Seasoned timber: Joint group 6. For timber joint design, JD1 (highest) to JD6 (lowest). >Read more
Joint group - dry For timber joint design, seasoned (dry) timber is classified into six joint groups: JD1 (highest) to JD6 (lowest). >Read more
Joint group - green For timber joint design, unseasoned (green) timber is classified into six joint groups: J1 (highest) to J6 (lowest). >Read more